Thursday 27 March 2014

I Thought You Might Want To Get To Know Us!

Hello Lovelies,
We are really lost right now. Not really sure how to start but we are gonna try anyways. We? Yes. So let us begin with some basic introductions, information blah blah blah. So Hi I am Miss P and sitting next to me is Miss J. She says Hi. Anyways we are 17 year olds living in the city of Mumbai, in the country of India! Yayy! *fakes enthusiasm* So we decided to remain anonymous because let's face it's more fun that way. We consider ourselves ninjas #ninjafail . We have always been passionate about writing. So why not start a blog? So hi, we are Those Mumbai Girl. We have just completed 11th Grade or FYJC year  and are ready (as ready as we can ever be) (which is never) to step into the education terror (Is that even a word?) that is the 12th Grade or HSC Board Exam Year (For those who don't live in Mumbai, or India for that matter, this is the exam one has to give that determines the degree college and our career. So yeah, no pressure. No pressure at all) This is a very important academic year for the both of us but we will be posting articles every week. Articles about what? So yeah we will be posting about various trends, Mumbai life stories, teenage stuff and we might even do product reviews if you want (We are girls, we are into all of that). We both have our colleges at the opposite ends of Mumbai but we have been school bestfriends for 3 years and live nearby so we are doing this together. 
Names: Miss J and Miss P
Age: Miss J is 16 and will turn 17 in a few months and Miss P is 17
Birthdays: 31st December, 2014 (No that's a lie. We aren't disclosing it just yet)
Address: Not disclosing it. It's Mumbai, India
Hobbies: Well we are really lazy people to be honest. So our hobbies include reading books, stalking people, spending all our time on social media sites, and a bunch of other boring stuff like that.]
Talents: Our total of talents for the both of us is 0. Not even joking. (Miss P: Hey I am talented. I know how to take the perfect selfies, I know everything about everyone, I speak sarcasm fluently and the list goes on. Miss J: P, get real here) K. We don't have any real talents.
In a relationship with: Miss P- With my phone. Duh? Haven't you seen Superwoman's video? And also food (Yeah I am dating two people. I am so bad, I know) Miss J- Single ;)
To Reach Our Heart: Give us food 
Annnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddd that's pretty much it. Keep following us for updates. We are new to blogging so all your suggestions and tips and everything is welcome. Send us your pictures, talk to us, whatever you like :)
Love You Forever And Always,
Miss J and Miss P
Email us on:
Superwoman's video:

Until Next Time... 


  1. Omg this is awesome Miss P! (I typed your name and then realised this is supposed to be anonymous! But this is AWEsOME!!)

    1. Thanks Honey! You are the only person who knows our identity :)
