Monday 28 April 2014

AIB The Royal Turds Show is back


The Royal Turds Show is on 23May, Friday at 7:30 in Mumbai!

We are so goingggggggg!

Get the tickets at before they get sold out


Friday 25 April 2014

Girl Diaries Entry 4: Reasons To Date A Nerd

Whaddup people?
          So the Mumbai Girls are back with one more entry in the Girl Diaries. We are superrrrrrrrr excited for this entry! Because one of us may be totally crushing over a nerd in her class who just won't notice her! Why you do this to me? Boy, NOTICE ME!!!!
          Yeah so we went a little off topic. I mean we can talk about the guy for ages but who would want to hear about that? So leaving that matter aside let's get into the topic at hand.
            Now you must be wondering why should I date a nerd? (Miss P: because they are adorable and so cute!  Miss J: P, are you talking about puppies?) I mean, it is every girl's dream to date Mr. Bad Boy and make him fall hopelessly in love with you; it is every girl's dream to tame the said Mr. Bad Boy. We have read enough books on Wattpad about the nerd and the bad boy, how the bad boy falls in love with the awkward, ugly, socially retarded nerd. (Miss J: I really hate those cliché books and movies! So unrealistic! Miss P: Yeah! Like that ever happens) Thankyou cliché books for giving us dreams that will never become true! Wait we are going really off topic! What were we talking about?
          NERDS! Nerds make the best boyfriends! (We are telling you, fall in love with a nerd and you will never regret it!)
Reasons To Date The Nerd:
1. Nerds are really cute and adorable.
2. Nerds are very passionate. Be it about their comics, gadgets or you; they will give their 200% attention to you.
3. Nerds are cute when they blush or when they are embarrassed (whuch happens a lot)
4. They will solve your problems. The average boyfriend will have tons of problems while nerds are organised and great problem solvers. Be it a mathematical equation or a problem in your laptop, they will solve it in a jiffy.
5. Multi-tasking. From sinks to gadgets to finance to shoes, they will have solutions for everything (Miss J: P, you said that in the above point) Okay so can we say that they will save the money you would have spent on an engineer or plumber?
6. They are really smart. 55% off on that bag from Esbeda... no need to worry when he is around. He will tell you the answer in a second!
7. Confused whether to invest in shares, gold or Gucci bags? He will make the RIGHT investment. Even it means goodbye to Gucci.
8. There is no need of worrying about other girls getting his attention (But you might have to compete with his Mac Book Pro, mint edition comics, collectibles or other signed toys)
9. He will love you 100%. Like we wrote before, they give their full attention to the thing at hand or in this case, YOU.
10. They don't see outer appearance but the beauty within. Yes, nerds are all about the deep stuff.
11. Nerds are full of information. If you are planning a holiday trip somewhere, he will read and research everything about that place. Want to buy a laptop? He will tell you all the pros and cons of the product better than the sales associate! Too much information sometimes but it is really thoughtful.
12. He will treat you right. He will do it the right way. He will follow the book.
13. He is very calm and patient. He will listen to all your woes about shoes, bestfriends, everything and probably suggest the best apps to avoid your bestfriend whenever required.
14. No need to look perfect daily. He will be fine even if you are wearing sweatpants and an old battered t-shirt! He will love you as you are.
15. You will be the better looking and he will remind you always. He knows it and will make you feel really special.
16. He is, what parents consider, a good boy from a good family. Parents will definitely approve and they will, in fact, encourage you to see him. No more lectures about how bad and irresponsible your boyfriend is.
17. Right now he may not look good, but 10 years later he will probably have started his own 500 crore business or the Next Facebook or maybe he may be the CEO of the biggest I.T. company in the world.
18. You can see Big Bang Theory or Star Wars or whatever you choose with him. Hell, he'll even watch Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars with you. It's totally your pick. He'll even download the new episode of Game Of Thrones for your girls night.
19. He knows what goes where, atleast theoretically [If you know what we mean ;) ] (Miss P: J, get your mind out of the gutter)
20. He may not know position 67 in bed (it's 67 right?) But he is quick to learn. And it also helps that he know Kamasutra. 

So here were 20 reasons why you should date nerds. And we think we have proved our point! Convinced na? If not, sorry sister, you need to get your priorities straightened!

P.S. We love Wonka Nerds too.

Mail us/ tweet us and all that stuff!


Love You,
Miss P and Miss J

Mail us on:

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @mumbaigirlsblog

Like our Facebook page: Those Mumbai Girls Blog

Until Next Time....

Thursday 24 April 2014

Mumbaikars, Did You Vote?

Hello people,
         As you know today was the election day in Mumbai and hence our news feed on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and every social media imaginable was filled with pictures of the voting selfie also know as the finger with the black mark.
           I do hope every elligible person in India has voted on the various days alloted to them. It is sad that we both cannot vote and we have to wait for 5 years to be able to vote.
            Also many shops and restaurants in Mumbai and various other cities declared a discount to people who have voted. Good initiative.
             Keeping this very very short, Happy Voting
              Do tell us whom you voted for!

Love you,
Miss P and Miss J

Mail us on:

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @mumbaigirlsblog

Like our page on Facebook: Those Mumbai Girls Blog

Until Next Time...

Sunday 20 April 2014

Girl Diaries Entry 3: Things Not To Do To Your Crush Online

Hello Lovely People,
          So the Mumbai Girls are back with one more post in the Girl Diaries Series: Things Not To Do To Your Crush Online. Here we will be talking about things you should never do to your crush on social media sites.
          So you may have a crush on a guy you liked on the internet or maybe your childhood crush is on all social medias (Because let's face it, on the internet, we are all a bunch of sluts and hoes). So there are certain things you should not do if you want your crush to like you or not find you creepy or not to block you (you don't want that, do you?). Follow these tips if you want to take your relationship offline.
Note: This helps boys too (most of the tips do)
So are you ready? Are you ready? Arr you ready? Let's do this!

Tip 1: Never be the first to like his posts (Facebook or Instagram)
As much as you like him, NEVER be the first to like his post. Not only will you come across as a free and jobless person, he will also think you are really desperate and that you need to get a life. You don't want that!

Tip 2: Send an Emo message after reading their sad tweets or updates on Facebook:
You come across as nosy and if you aren't close to the boy, he ll find you interfering! Give him some space.

Tip 3: SMPDA
Stands for Social Media PDA! Others will find it disturbing and he will find it embarrassing!

Tip 4: Know his tweets from 9 months back!
As much as you love that person, don't remember his tweets from months back. Even if you do then don't start something like, "Hey! Remember your tweet..." Chances are he'll think of you as a stalker!

Tip 5: Like 10 photos at once on Instagram!
You probably didn't really think and liked his pictures in one go. But understand that he will get 10 notifications at once! Stalker Alert!

Tip 6: Flirt shamelessly online
Don't flirt shamelessly online! It is embarrassing for him! And you just come across as a creepy person!

Tip 7: Reply to some personal conversation he is having on Twitter:

Tip 8: Visit places near him on Foursquare or a similar website hoping he will invite you
No he will not invite you. Worse is checking in where he is and being like, "Wow, what a happy coincidence!  Can I join you?" NO.

Tip 9: Social Media Stalker
Installing all social media apps or using all the social sites he uses and adding him! NO.

Tip 10: Commenting on EVERYTHING!
There is no need for you to comment he posts. Its plain annoying! 

That's pretty much it. There may be more things you shouldn't do. If we have missed anything you can mail us/tweet us or comment on this post on Facebook.
Also would you like to have a post about Dubai since Miss J is in Dubai right now? Do tell us.

Love you,
Miss P and Miss J

Mail us on :

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @mumbaigirlsblog

Like our page on Facebook: Those Mumbai Girls Blog

Until next time....

Some other pictures..

Friday 18 April 2014

Mumbai Girls' Top 10 Things Not To Do In Class

Whaddup you lovelies?
          We are back again with another article. We have decided to start the 'Top 10' series. We will be talking about the Top 10 Things Not To Do In Class today! Let's go
1.Turn up late:
You don't want to turn up late for a class. You might get detention or miss the stuff taught in class. If not detention your teacher is bound to punish you and you don't want that.

2. Sleep in class:
You definitely don't want to sleep in class. You will be caught and there will be trouble.

3. Eat in class:
Let's face it,  as much as you would like to, you cannot eat in class.

4. Throw paper planes in the class:
You don't want to throw paper planes in class. It is fun, we know but also very childish and chances are you will be punished if caught.

5. Make a mess:
You don't want to make a mess in calss. It can be paper, paint (art class), pretty much anything. Trouble trouble trouble

6. Pass notes in class (Don't write about your teachers or anything personal in that):
You don't want to pass notes in class. If caught, you will have to read it out and IT WILL BE EMBARRASSING!  Trust me!

7. Talk in class:
You don't want to talk in class. If your teacher is sleeping then by all means, go ahead and talk.

8. Use your phone in class:
You don't want to use your phone in class. (OK! OK! Everyone wants to use their phone in class). But you can't.

9. Play a game on your phone:
Don't play games in the class. Just don't

10. Turn up for class:
Don't not turn up for class. Do go.

That's it for today's small rant. Hope you like it. Comment below Top 10 ____________ you want to us to talk about.
By the way, do you like Miss P's doodles on Instagram? Comment on the picture if you like or not.
Love you,
Miss P and Miss J
Make sure you follow us on all our social media:
Mail us on :
Follow on Twitter/Instagram: @mumbaigirlsblog
Like our facebook page: Those Mumbai Girls Blog

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Electionary: The Election Dictionary

Whaddup people?
          Hello! The Mumbai Girls are back. Hopefully you have read our previous article about Elections! If not do read it.
          If you are someone like me half the time you are probably wondering what is going on! You don't know what is going on in the elections and you are most likely to be sitting there with a poker face when everybody around you is talking about the elections and statistics and a bunch of other things you don't really understand. And the problem is, everywhere you go the conversation suddenly turns political and you have nothing to contribute to the conversation! But fret not! This Electionary will help you tons. This will help the novices to get through the giant ocean of the Indian Genreal Elections.
And yes you are welcome!
So let's get right into it.
(Most, ALL, dictionaries are alphabetic but this isn't going to be alphabetic. Don't say we didn't warn you)

AAP (pronounced as Aaa-P) (verb):
The act of being an "Aam Aadmi" (common man). Also the act of being dressed in a muffler (monkey cap). High chances of winning the election if the election suddenly moves to Antarctica.
Example: Arvind Kejriwal goes in an auto rickshaw by fare from the airport
(Noun) Aam Aadmi Party

BJP (pronounced as Mo-diii) (noun):
A party by Narendra Modi usually called as NaMo. Has the most enthusiastic fan base in the history of elections in India. Generally seen muttering "development" irrespective of the question or the point in the argument.

Congress (pronounced as corruption) (neither a noun nor a verb, cussword, anyone caught saying this has high chances of getting publicly beaten):
Has been the ruling party for decades. Research is still going about how this has happened, no results found. Run by the Gandhi (Italians) Dynasty (Not to be confused with Mahatma Gandhi, these two have no relation whatsoever).

Vote (pronounced as buy-for-Rs500) (verb/noun):
The duty of every citizen. You have to vote, you have to make the difference. (You have to vote and not go for picnics) Every person is equal and eligible for it (above 18 years of age).I don't care who you vote for, just vote. (But the machine is probably rigged)

Seat (pronounced as power) (noun):
Seat is a good word for power. To achieve this power, Ministers and politicians promise things they are never going to do to get your support and can even commit murder for it. (Beware!)

Slap! (Pronounced as Kejriwal!) (Verb):
The most commonly used action in India. Used when nothing else suffices. Don't confuse it woth facepalm which is the symbol of Congress.
Arvind Kejriwal getting slapped

Youth (pronounced as youu-thh) (noun):
Used to describe 50 year old politicians *cough* RG *cough*

Arvind Kejriwal (pronouced as the-muffler-guy-with-no-dressing-sense or wannabe-aam-aadmi) (noun):
The only common man to travel in an auto rickshaw by fare from airport, to get a window seat in the Mumbai local train (on the same day) and the only common man to have 1.64 M followers on Twitter. Usually seen wearing clothes that will put designers to shame (literally).

Rahul Gandhi (pronounced as "youth") (noun):
The youth of India. Usually (always) says Women Empowerment and RTI in India no matter what is asked or what is the conversation about.
For example: The goal (women empowerment) is to (women empowerment) make (women empowerment) India (Girl! Power!) developed (Go Girl!) and self (WOMEN!) sufficient (Girl power rangers) and also (WOMEN ALL THE WAY!) to (women empowerment) get rid (Women! Women! Women!) of (women empowerment) poverty (women empowerment).

Narendra Modi (pronounced as NaMo and often confused with "development") (Noun):
Probably the only person who unified all the parties faster than the Fevistic strongest and fastest glue. And yet has the most number of fans. You might also know him as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. He was accused of being responsible for riots of Gujarat some years back and was banned from USA (Now they have removed the ban, smart people). He is the only ray of hope for India now and people want to remove all corruption from India (read as Congress) and they are hoping he will develop India as he developed Gujarat (According to the various newspapers). High expectations from him.

Voter's Id (pronounced as vohhter id) (noun):
Something which you need to be eligible to vote. You only get it if you are 18 plus. (18 years of age) You get this at your MLA's office. MLAs provide you voters id in hopes of you voting for them (Since the people who have voted for them in the past are not going to vote for them again). [Warning: You might have to wait in queue for hours for this] [Warning 2: Chances of there being no fans there]

Coalition (pronounced as Hum-Saath-Saath-Hai) (Noun/verb):
When small parties team up with the major/big party in order for them getting 272+ seats is called coalition. After winning they celebrate with partying with the money earned. These small parties are also called as allies of the major party.

Arnab Goswami (pronounced as Ar-Nab) (noun):
A man who thinks he is the best and the volume of his voice is so high that people in America can probably hear him. Often seen screaming and shouting on his show. Viewers may go deaf (keep the volume of the tv low). Talks about politics on his show daily.

That's pretty much it. We will update this and add a few more meanings/words later. Hopefully this will help you. We might also do another post on elections. Maybe.

Let us know whom you support and will vote for or just tell us what you feel about the elections in general. 

Love you,
Miss P and Miss J

Follow us on all our social media

Mail us:

Instagram and Twitter: @mumbaigirlsblog

Facebook: Those Mumbai Girls (Milk Mango)

Until Next Time...