Sunday 20 April 2014

Girl Diaries Entry 3: Things Not To Do To Your Crush Online

Hello Lovely People,
          So the Mumbai Girls are back with one more post in the Girl Diaries Series: Things Not To Do To Your Crush Online. Here we will be talking about things you should never do to your crush on social media sites.
          So you may have a crush on a guy you liked on the internet or maybe your childhood crush is on all social medias (Because let's face it, on the internet, we are all a bunch of sluts and hoes). So there are certain things you should not do if you want your crush to like you or not find you creepy or not to block you (you don't want that, do you?). Follow these tips if you want to take your relationship offline.
Note: This helps boys too (most of the tips do)
So are you ready? Are you ready? Arr you ready? Let's do this!

Tip 1: Never be the first to like his posts (Facebook or Instagram)
As much as you like him, NEVER be the first to like his post. Not only will you come across as a free and jobless person, he will also think you are really desperate and that you need to get a life. You don't want that!

Tip 2: Send an Emo message after reading their sad tweets or updates on Facebook:
You come across as nosy and if you aren't close to the boy, he ll find you interfering! Give him some space.

Tip 3: SMPDA
Stands for Social Media PDA! Others will find it disturbing and he will find it embarrassing!

Tip 4: Know his tweets from 9 months back!
As much as you love that person, don't remember his tweets from months back. Even if you do then don't start something like, "Hey! Remember your tweet..." Chances are he'll think of you as a stalker!

Tip 5: Like 10 photos at once on Instagram!
You probably didn't really think and liked his pictures in one go. But understand that he will get 10 notifications at once! Stalker Alert!

Tip 6: Flirt shamelessly online
Don't flirt shamelessly online! It is embarrassing for him! And you just come across as a creepy person!

Tip 7: Reply to some personal conversation he is having on Twitter:

Tip 8: Visit places near him on Foursquare or a similar website hoping he will invite you
No he will not invite you. Worse is checking in where he is and being like, "Wow, what a happy coincidence!  Can I join you?" NO.

Tip 9: Social Media Stalker
Installing all social media apps or using all the social sites he uses and adding him! NO.

Tip 10: Commenting on EVERYTHING!
There is no need for you to comment he posts. Its plain annoying! 

That's pretty much it. There may be more things you shouldn't do. If we have missed anything you can mail us/tweet us or comment on this post on Facebook.
Also would you like to have a post about Dubai since Miss J is in Dubai right now? Do tell us.

Love you,
Miss P and Miss J

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Until next time....

Some other pictures..

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