Sunday 18 May 2014

Mumbai Diaries Entry 3: Cool Things Mumbaikars Say Which Are Really Not Cool

Whaddup people?
       Supp? You swaggy! You be so cul (read as: kullll) and you the King of sweg (read as: swe egg). Heh? Well as you have read the title you kinda know what we are doing here! If not then: bro, read the title!

There are some things which Mumbaikars say without really knowing what they say and they pronounce it so wrong AND they think they are being all cool and hip and whatnot when in reality they are just coming across as wannabes and IT IS NOT COOL. SO JUST STOP.
(we can do this all day you know)
Let's get into it:

1. Swag: The most commonly used word in Mumbai among teenagers these days. Can be pronounced as sweggg or swaaaaaaaag. Nout really sure if it is used sarcastically or as a compliment. If someone tells you: You got swag mahn! You are probably womdering if he is insulting you or genuinely complimenting you. And you are just sitting there smiling and confused (You probably look like Sheldon smiling) (If you don't know who Sheldon is, smack yourself. Just kidding) So swag is used mostly for people and we really don't know how it is used so rather than misusing it like 99% people, we just avoid using it.

2. Cool: While texting this word is typed as cul, kul, kool, cooollll and whatnot! So if someone sends you this you need to understand that he person means cool! There is nothing wrong with this word (Then why is this word on the list?) Except the overuse of the word. Wanna hang out? Cool. How was the movie? Cool. How did my crush look today? Cool. What do you think about NASA's new discovery? Cool. What is your opinion about Politics? Cool.

3. LOL: Laughing out loud in case you didn't know. (If you didn't know, stop hiding under the rock you live in and come out) Your mom probably thinks this means Lots Of Love. It's okay though. It's actually cute when parents are so clueless. Back to the point... Lol is the most used word in the speaking/typing dictionary of people. It's definitely on the top. Whatever you say the answer is LOL. I lost my homework? LOL. My sister is getting married? LOL. I am screwed! LOL. When the person is actually sitting with a poker face! It's annoying when a person says LOL. And people say LOL while talking. Just laugh you bitch! The person is like: LOL followed by a weird fake laugh.

4. K bro- First of all don't k me and second don't bro me! K bro is when a person doesn't want to talk or continue the discussion and says k bro to stop you. The thing is some people I know it is cool to write k bro instead of ok. So we don't really know if they want to talk or not. Confusing.. DON'T DO THIS TO US. WE ARE ALREADY SOCIALLY AWKWARD!

5. K- Used instead of ok. It is very irritating when some sends k. Not sure why but I don't trust people who type k. Such lazy people I tell you!

6. YOLO- YOLO isn't used much while talking/texting but it is VERY famous on instagram. There are people who hashtag #YOLO in every picture. I mean what????

7. FML- F*ck my life. People use this for small things and it doesn't even make sense. I forgot my homework? FML. More like get a life! Go f&ck yourself

These are the 7 most used words which are not cool. Not cool.
Do you use these words a lot? Using them sometimes is okay otherwiae it makes you look like a wannabe!

Share this if you know someone who uses these words a lot and you want them to know it is not cool. ;) You can share on Facebook and Twitter or just telk someone: You should totally read this post. It is so true! ;)

Enjoy. Ciao.
Love you people,
Miss P and Miss J

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Until Next Time.....

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